April 8-12


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: pg. 461 ?s 1-6 & pg 462 ?s 8-10
HW: pgs. 463-464

Social Studies: HW: Make a list of items around your house that you have to pay taxes on. In Your own words write a paragraph that explains what a government uses taxes for.

Health: in Class: PARCC Testing

Language Arts: in class: Independent Reading, Short Read 1 pgs. 4-5 HW: Short read 2 pgs 6-10


Math: in class: Lesson 7.9 pgs.473-474
HW: pgs. 475-476

Social Studies: in class: Review taxes and Chapter 8 Lesson 1, HW: Read pages; 276-281, Piracy Map Due Monday

Health: in Class: PARCC Testing & Make up recess

Language Arts: APOV: pg. 11 Build-Reflect-Write


Math: HW: pages 481-482

Social Studies: in class: Review Colonial Project and Due dates changed HW: Piracy map due Monday.

Health: in Class: PARCC Testing

Science: in class: Read pgs. 89-93 questions 1 pg. 93

Language Arts: in class: Computer Lab, SRI Testing and turning in 3rd Quarter Reading Goal


Math: in class: Multiplying Fractions by Fractions Practice 13-3 R & P

Social Studies: HW: Piracy Map Due Monday

Science: in class: be sure to have read pages 89-93 & answer ? 1 on page 93


Health: in Class: Last Day of PARCC Testing

Language Arts: in class: Verb Tenses pages 32-33









No School for Students: Teacher Work Day: End of Third Quarter




April 1-5


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 pages 435-436
HW: pages 437-438

Social Studies: in class: 13 Colonies & Capitals, Statehood day: Self Check

Science: in class: Properties of Matter Video

Language Arts: in class: Word Ladder , Reading Comprehension pg. Best Breakfast, Time to work with your partner, Projects Due Thursday & Friday
HW: Words of the Week: My Word is Taradiddle


Math: in class: pages 441-442 HW: pages 443-444

Social Studies: in class: 50 States Self Check, Reading pages 268-273 and complete the 5 red review ?s Complete Paragraphs to respond to the questions with examples and proof

Science: in class: Reading pages 56-71

Health: Volksmarch Permission Forms & Information Sent home


Language Arts: in class: Text Comparisons Bullies, Time to Work with your interview partner (2 more days, do you have your costumes and clothing ready? Props?) HW: Words of the Week, (taradiddle)


















Interview a Character Projects Due




