Monday |
Math: in class: Chapter 7 Lesson 3 pages 435-436
HW: pages 437-438 |
Social Studies: in class: 13 Colonies & Capitals,
Statehood day: Self Check |
Science: in class: Properties of Matter Video |
Language Arts: in class: Word Ladder , Reading
Comprehension pg. Best Breakfast, Time to work with your partner,
Projects Due Thursday & Friday
HW: Words of the Week: My Word is Taradiddle |
Tuesday |
Math: in class: pages 441-442 HW: pages 443-444 |
Social Studies: in class: 50 States Self Check,
Reading pages 268-273 and complete the 5 red review ?s Complete
Paragraphs to respond to the questions with examples and proof |
Science: in
class: Reading pages 56-71
Health: Volksmarch Permission Forms & Information
Sent home
Language Arts: in class: Text Comparisons Bullies,
Time to Work with your interview partner (2 more days, do you have your
costumes and clothing ready? Props?) HW: Words of the Week, (taradiddle) |