May 20-24


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Review HW, Complete pages 591-594 HW: pages 595-596

Social Studies: in class: read pages 320-321 complete questions 1-3 pg. 321

Science: Wednesday: Earth Day Activities: Wear long pants, high socks, & hiking shoes. If you have a picnic blanket you may bring it. Light rain jacket may be necessary

Health: in Class: read pages 346-349 Complete the Summarize on pg 346

Language Arts: in class: Complete a 3-Steps Poem and continue to Work on your Poetry Book. Follow the Rubric


Math: in class: pgs. 598-600 HW: pgs 601-602

Social Studies: in class: Finish in class discussion of Ch 9 Lesson 2, Read pages 310-319 & complete the 4 rr ?s

Science: in class: Earth Day Mask, Rocket Designs, Prepare to build on Thursday

Language Arts: in class: Classroom (10 lines) & School Subject (6 lines) Poems, Continue to put your poetry book together


Earth Day Activities

Science: in class: Earth Day Activities, Write about 3 environmental activities you had today with 3 supporting facts you learned today.
HW: 2 Liter Bottles for Rockets other supplies.

Language Arts: HW: Continued Work on your Poetry Books


Math: in class: pages 603-606 HW: 607-608

Science: in class: Rocket Construction

Health: in Class: page 349 ?s 2-3 & Work on your Study Guide, Thursday Folders and Progress Reports Sent home

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation and Time to work on your poetry book



Math: in class: Mid Chapter review pages 609-610
HW: pgs. 611-612

Science: in class:, Rocket Construction, Read pages 112-116
Mission Patches:
Where are you going?
What is your Mission?
The crew / Name of
your spacecraft.

Language Arts: in class: Keyboarding in the computer lab, concrete poems & continue working on your poetry book: Due May 30th


May 13-17


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Lesson 9.7 complete pages 572-574 HW: pages 575-576

Social Studies: in class: Washington crosses the Delaware Map Due, Read pages 302-308 Complete the 6 Red Review and 1 map skill questions

Health: Job Shadow Day Tomorrow, Remember Lunches and dress for the weather *wear pants*

Language Arts: in class: Poems pages 10-11 Limerick & Haiku, Sign up for a biography book, project sign up Friday.


Job Shadow Day in the Box



Math: in class: Chapter 9 Review pages 577-582 HW: Study for your test tomorrow Complete the Study Guides

Social Studies: in class: Complete; Read pages 302-308 Complete the 6 Red Review and 1 map skill ?s HW: Complete Lesson Review Handout

Science: in class: Read pages 105-110 complete the questions on page 110.HW: Rocket Materials: 2 liter bottle, duct tape and cardboard, Finish your Rocket design to travel to Mars. *return: Earth Day Permission Forms

Language Arts: in class: Keyboarding in the Computer Lab, Be Sure to Turn in your Haiku & Limerick, Independent Reading of your Biography


Math: in class: Chapter 9 Test


Social Studies: in class: pgs 303-310 Review & Take Notes

Health: Thursday Folders: graded papers sent home

Science: In Class: reviewed telescopes and space objects. HW: Rocket Materials: 2 liter bottle, duct tape and cardboard, Finish your Rocket design to travel to Mars. *return: Earth Day Permission Forms

Language Arts: in class: Library, Book Circulation, Reading your Biography, Project sign up tomorrow




Math: in class: Lesson 10.1 Measurement pgs. 583-588

HW: 589-590


Health: in Class: Yearbook Signing

Language Arts: in class: Poetry, Diamante #1 & #2, Begin putting your book together
Keyboarding, Select a Project for your Biography Book Report


May 6-10


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Lesson 9.5 pgs. 553-554 HW: 555-556

Social Studies: in class: Finish Vocabulary in your notebook, complete Vocabulary Handout, Liberty Kids: Green Mt. Boys, 2nd C.C. and Post Master Franklin

Health: in Class: You need to keep your behavior in check! Stop the foolishness some of you have displayed this morning & last week. You can be much better Citizens

Language Arts: in class: Work on Poems 3-4-5 turn in rough drafts and scratch work circle final & write a copy of your final poem in the lesson packet.


Math: in class: Chapter 9 Mid Chapter Quiz,
HW: Line Graph Practice

Social Studies: in class: Reviewed The beginning of the Declaration of Independence pages 296-298

Health: used time to meet individually about poems

Language Arts: in class: Time to read, work on book report, and catch up on poems 1-5 HW: Work on Book Report


Math: in class: Lesson 9.5 pgs. 559-562
HW: pgs. 563-564

Social Studies: in class: Finish Reading pages 294-301, complete the 4 Red Review ?s & Link-to-Writing pg. 300

Science: in class: read pgs 97-104 complete the 4?s on pg. 104HW: Rocket Design Project, Materials, and Supply donations of tape and cardboard

Language Arts: in class: Keyboarding in the Computer Lab, Work On poems 6-7- Turn in drafts, Read and work on your book report due Friday


Math: in class: pgs 565-567

Social Studies: in class: Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Review HW: Washington Crosses the Delaware Map

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation, Preposition poem pg. 8 & 2 Acrostic Poems 1) your name 2) hobby or choice of word




Math: in class: pages 568-570 HW: None


Language Arts: in class: Book Report Presentations, Computer Lab: Keyboarding
HW: Begin reading a biography for the next project. Sign-up Sheet will be up Monday. *No Duplicate Personalities*

May 6-10


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Lesson 9.5 pgs. 553-554 HW: 555-556

Social Studies: in class: Finish Vocabulary in your notebook, complete Vocabulary Handout, Liberty Kids: Green Mt. Boys, 2nd C.C. and Post Master Franklin

Health: in Class: You need to keep your behavior in check! Stop the foolishness some of you have displayed this morning & last week. You can be much better Citizens

Language Arts: in class: Work on Poems 3-4-5 turn in rough drafts and scratch work circle final & write a copy of your final poem in the lesson packet.


Math: in class: Chapter 9 Mid Chapter Quiz,
HW: Line Graph Practice

Social Studies: in class: Reviewed The beginning of the Declaration of Independence pages 296-298

Health: used time to meet individually about poems

Language Arts: in class: Time to read, work on book report, and catch up on poems 1-5 HW: Work on Book Report


Math: in class: Lesson 9.5 pgs. 559-562
HW: pgs. 563-564

Social Studies: in class: Finish Reading pages 294-301, complete the 4 Red Review ?s & Link-to-Writing pg. 300

Science: in class: read pgs 97-104 complete the 4?s on pg. 104HW: Rocket Design Project, Materials, and Supply donations of tape and cardboard

Language Arts: in class: Keyboarding in the Computer Lab, Work On poems 6-7- Turn in drafts, Read and work on your book report due Friday


Math: in class: pgs 565-567

Social Studies: in class: Chapter 9 Lesson 1 Review HW: Washington Crosses the Delaware Map

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation, Preposition poem pg. 8 & 2 Acrostic Poems 1) your name 2) hobby or choice of word




Math: in class: pages 568-570 HW: None


Language Arts: in class: Book Report Presentations, Computer Lab: Keyboarding
HW: Begin reading a biography for the next project. Sign-up Sheet will be up Monday. *No Duplicate Personalities*


April 30-May 3


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class:
Chapter 8 Test

Social Studies: in class: Battle of Bunker/Breeds Hill, Liberty Kids, Complete Lesson 3 Handout
HW: Colonial Project Due Tomorrow, Chapter 8 Study Guide Due Thursday, Chapter 8 Test Thursday,

Language Arts: in class: Finish Reading Al Capone Does my Shirts and Complete ?s for chapters 33-40
HW: Words of the Week, My Word is: overcompensation, due Friday


Math: in class: pgs. 537-538

Social Studies: in class: Colonial Projects Due; Presentations, Essays, & Timelines HW: Study Guide and Test Thursday.

Health: HW: pg. 340 ?s 2-3-5

Language Arts: Al Capone Doe my Shirts Test tomorrow


Math: in class: Working with Ordered Pairs: pgs 539-542 HW: pgs. 537-538 & 543-544

Social Studies: in class: pg. 292 People & Terms pg. 293 Facts & Main Ideas and Apply Skills HW: Complete Study Guide & Study for your test.

Health: HW: Study Guide Lessons 1-3

Language Arts: in class: ACDMS: Vocabulary Quiz, Computer Lab: Keyboarding Skills, HW: Continue to Read towards Q4 Reading goal and Book Reports


Math: in class: Math Lab & Line Plots

Social Studies: in class: Chapter 8 Test HW: Chapter 9 Vocabulary (time in class provided) Due Monday

Health: in Class: pgs. 342-343 ?s 9-19, 20-22 & 25
HW: Complete Study Guide, Chapter 11 Test Tomorrow

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation, Sign up for your book approval for 1st book report HW: Word of the Week due


Math Lab



Math: in class: pgs 547-548 HW: pgs 549-550

Social Studies: in class: Time to work on Vocabulary Due Monday

Health: in Class: Chapter 11 Test, Study Guide Due

Language Arts: in class: Poetry Unit lessons 1-2, Computer Lab




April 15-19


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: In Class: Chapter 7 Review pgs. 483-488 HW: More Practice with fractions, Chapter 7 Test Tomorrow

Social Studies: in class: Read pages 276-283 complete the 6 red review questions and ? 5 pg. 282
HW: Complete the lesson handout

Science: HW: While at home stand in your yard and place a stick in the ground, draw the stick and the shadow created while facing north. Do this for again an hour later, from the same location

Language Arts: in class: ACDMS Vocabulary define 15 words from ch 1-9 list and write a sentence with each word & read chapters 1-2


Math: in class: Chapter 7 Test HW: pgs 489-490

Social Studies: in class: Reviewed Lessons 1-2 Ch. 7, complete the map adventure on pg. 278

Health: Wear Purple Tomorrow to recognize your struggle as a military child :-) April: Month of the Military Child

Language Arts: in class: Reading chapters 1-5, Al Capone does my shirts & Video on Alcatraz


Math: in class: Lesson 8.1 pgs. 493-494 HW: pgs.495-496

Social Studies: in class: Check in on Colonial Personalities Project, viewed examples

Science: in class: Review Shadow projections, Reading pages

Language Arts: in class: ACDMS Read chapters 1-9 and complete ?s for this section & Keyboarding in the computer lab


Math: HW: Explore Dividing Fractions 14-5

Social Studies: in class: Time to research for Colonial Personality, Read pgs 283-285 complete ?s 1-3 pg. 285

Health: in Class: Chapter 11 pg. 326 ?s 2-3-5

Science: in class: if you have not done so complete questions 2-5 pg. 93

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation, Time for research, Complete ?s for ACDMS ch 1-9




Math: in class: pgs. 499-500 HW: pgs 501-502

Social Studies: in class: Liberty Kids Boston Tea Party HW: Paul Revere Map Due Tuesday

Health: in Class: Easter Egg Hunt

Language Arts: in class: Reading ACDMS chptrs 9-15, begin questions (we will read ch 16-20 on Monday) & Keyboarding Skills