November 26-30


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: unit 1 dodea cepa & Chapter 3 pages 149-150, Study your new vocabulary words. There will be a quiz before Thursday

Social Studies: in class: chapter 4 lesson 2 Cortes and Pizarro, Complete the 3 red review and ?s 1 & 2 pg. 145

Health: School Evacuation Drill Today

Language Arts: in class: discussed and reviewed the upcoming essay, Completed Using the Right Words pages 63-64


Math: in class: Place Value Practice pages HW: pg 151

Social Studies: in class: Review Handout: Longitude and Latitude & Ch 4 Lesson 2 Different worlds Collide *Finish as HW as needed.

Health: In Class: illegal drugs pages 238-244, complete questions 2-3-4 and 5 *Finish as HW as needed.


Language Arts: in class: unit 1 Assessment


Math: in class: Chapter 3 pages 153-154
HW: complete pages 155-156

Social Studies: in class: Chapter 4 Vocabulary Quiz, study southeast; states and capitals, BBC Documentary on Cortes, Chapter 4 Test on Tuesday, Begin working on the study guide.*due Tuesday

Health: HW: read pages 250-251.

Language Arts: in class: SRI test and Keyboarding Skills, Students also have the opportunity to check GS


Math: in class: Fortnite Math Practice
HW: Lesson 3.1 Reteach & Enrich and Lesson 3.1 Reteach

Social Studies: HW: Work on your Study Guide, Chapter 4 Test on Tuesday

Health: Read pages 246-251 complete ?s 2-3 pg. 249 then write a paragraph response to an offer of illegal drugs, provide 3 solid reasons why you do not want to partake in illegal drugs. HW: Study Guide due Wednesday, Test is also Wednesday.

Language Arts: Library



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November 19-23


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in class: Math Weeklies (addition/subtraction & multiplication practice) & Pizza People

Social Studies: in Class: longitude/latitude class Notes, pages 140-141 ?s 1-3 pg. 141, Cortes & Coronado Map, cnn 10, Entered Columbus Map into Gradespeed


Language Arts: in class: vegetable word ladder
HW: Bring in a recipe of your favorite Cookie Due 26NOV.


Math: in class: Mathematics Today Issue 2, America Eats 1 & 2, and Thanksgiving Word Problems

Social Studies: Read the Mayflower Compact we will discuss it tomorrow.


Health: In Class: Chapter 8 read pages 234-237 ?s 2-3-5 pg. 237

Language Arts: in class: 2 word ladders & Save a Turkey Story.


Social Studies: in class: the history of Thanksgiving Documentary

Health: Have a Safe Relaxing Holiday Weekend

Language Arts: HW: You Need to find and have a cookie recipe for Monday









November 12-16


American History



Language Arts & Reading



Math: in class: complete the Chapter 2 Review: pages 143-148 HW: Chapter 2 Performance Task; The Chapter 2 Test will be tomorrow.

Social Studies: In Class: Reviewed Chapter 4 Lesson 1, Complete the "Voyages of Columbus" Handout HW Chapter 4 Vocabulary Preview handout.



Language Arts: In Class: Reading & Annotating, "The Dred Scott Decision." pgs. 12-19 HW: Finish Reading your Non-Fiction Book and Find 4 Key selling points for the book,


Math: In Class: Chapter 2 Test

 Social Studies: In Class: CNN 10, News Update what is going on in the world, Columbus Voyage 3D Map

Health: In Class: See you at conferences

Language Arts: in Class: Computer Lab Keyboarding




Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences





November 5-9


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: In Class: pgs. 133-134 ?s 7-26
HW: pg 135 ?s 1-11

Social Studies: HW: Finish Vocabulary for Chapter 4 (there are 3 lessons)

Science: In Class: Review Worm Habitat, reading pgs. 270-275, HW: Finish ?s 1-3 page 275 on separate paper to turn in

Language Arts: In class: Irregular Verbs, Shaun the Sheep, Retell the "Coconut" Episode
HW: Finish writing at home as necessary.


Math: In Class: Reviewed HW, complete page 136 & turn in. HW: Pick up handout Lesson 2.7 Reteach and enrich the skill

Social Studies: In Class: Finish America before Columbus, Chapter 4 Vocabulary checked.


Science: In Class: Building Worm Habitat.

Health: In Class: Fire Drill

Language Arts: In Class: One Very Good Descriptive Paragraph about your worm experience. Skip Lines 10 Sentence Minimum Use your helping word pages


Math: In Class: Complete pgs 139-140
HW: pgs 141-142 "Follow the model, to solve: write out each to solve"

Social Studies: CNN 10

Health: In Class: Extra Time for Math

Language Arts: Describe a character. "Smok the Dragon" Choose either the Dragon or Krackers In a paragraph; describe the character. Keyboarding.


Math: In Class: Review HW and complete division practice page 6-2 Practice & Enrich. No HW.

Social Studies: In Class: Reading pages 130-131 Complete pages 131 ?s 1-3.

Health: In Class: Reviewed pages 228-233, complete ?s 2-3-5 page 233 HW: Keep up with your study guide, Beginning with chapter 8 now. Chapter 9 should be finished

Language Arts: In Class: Library Circulation & Independent Reading


Math: In Class: Choose a Method *Division P 6-3 No HW

Social Studies: In Class: Read and review pages 132-138 complete the red review ?s with in the text.


Science: Read pages 276-282 Write 3 interesting or new facts that you learned from this section

Language Arts: Read pages 6-11 "Voting Rights Act & Susan B. Anthony" Annotate While Reading and Complete pg. 11 Build Knowledge & Reflect
Computer Lab Keyboarding