











In addition to the content standards, Health Education teachers must instill health literacy skills (HESK) into classroom activities. The six HESK have a two-fold benefit. First, they promote personal, family, and community health. Second, they teach essential and transferable skills that include accessing data, analyzing information, setting goals, and communicating ideas.


HESK Health                The student applies health literacy skills in concert with health concepts to

Literacy Skills              enhance personal, family and community health; that is, the student will:


 HESK1:   access valid health information;

HESK2:   practice health-enhancing behavior;

HESK3:   analyze influences on health;

HESK4:   use interpersonal communications skills to enhance health;

HESK5:   use goal setting and decision making skills to enhance health; and

HESK6:   advocate for health.


HE1 Personal and        The student understands the basic concepts of hygiene, health habits, and health

Community Health       promotion; that is, the student will:


 HE1a:     explain good hygiene based on developmental changes;

HE1b:     evaluate information about health issues and promotion of healthful living for adolescents;

HE1c:      describe noncommunicable diseases of adolescents and adults; and

HE1d:     analyze factors that influence health choices (e.g., personal factors, culture, media, peers, family, and technology).


HE2 Safety and            The student demonstrates understanding of basic concepts related to safety,

Injury Prevention         injury prevention or sudden illness, and prevention of child abuse and child neglect; that is, the student will:


 HE2a:     demonstrate basic first aid for injury and sudden illness (i.e., sprain, fracture, hypothermia, frostbite, hyperthermia, seizure);

HE2b:     identify risky behaviors for the student’s age group; and

HE2c:      describe appropriate responses to fire and weather emergencies.


HE3 Nutrition and         The student understands how healthful nutrition and physical activity contribute

Physical Activity          to growth and energy and help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes; that is, the student will:


 HE3a:     analyze the relationship between wellness and healthful nutrition and physical activity;

HE3b:     demonstrate appropriate portion sizes for various food groups;

HE3c:      explain the relationship between water, fiber, and a healthful diet; and

HE3d:     set personal goals for nutrition and exercise.


HE4 Mental Health       The student understands how mental health contributes to general well-being; that is, the student will:


HE4a:     identify peer pressure and its impact on personal behavior;

HE4b:     strategize actions for dealing with negative peer pressure;

HE4c:      demonstrate healthful strategies to assess and manage conflict and stress;

HE4d:     identify healthful ways for dealing with and preventing bullying; and

HE4e:     describe ways adolescents show understanding and respect for diversity (i.e., cultural, physical, mental, gender, ethnic).


HE5 Alcohol,                The student understands licit and illicit drugs and how to prevent abuse and

Tobacco, and Other     access intervention and treatment resources; that is, the student will:



HE5a:     describe the nature of physical and psychological dependence on alcohol and tobacco;

HE5b:     analyze influences on decisions about alcohol and tobacco; and

HE5c:      evaluate consequences for tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use.


HE6 Family Life and    The student understands the developmental changes that occur as he or she

Human Sexuality         grows and matures through childhood to young adulthood and how these changes prepare one for adult roles in the family and society; that is, the student will:


HE6a:     describe the structure and function of the human reproductive system;

HE6b:     recognize abstinence as the most effective way to prevent pregnancy;

HE6c:      analyze influences and decisions regarding healthful sexuality; and

HE6d:     report routes of transmission of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and risky behaviors.