How do you learn best?
1. Learning Styles Assessment (VAK) - Take this test and
print out your results. Be sure to keep the results on your screen so that you
can be sure you get the right printout (compare the two to be sure).
2. Use the page below to see ways you can use your learning style to help you
learn better in school and study at home. Write down notes on the back of your
printout. When you finish, put the printout in your portfolio. Do not click on
sites linked within the following documents. For example, one suggestion (that
would need to be cleared with your parents) is to watch videos at Khan Academy
or Youtube. You know that you are not allowed to do that at school. -
read this for an overview
- go to the site and click on your main learning style. Read the tips and take
notes. Then read your second highest learning style. Add tips you think would be
helpful to your notes.
Read some more about your main and secondary
learning styles:
Auditory -
Visual -
Kinesthetic/Tactile -