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This page is a listing about what was required
for each year of school. This information came from a Plan and
Grade Book (1890-1891) when S.N. Cragun was the Superintendent.
Grade One
First Year of the Course.
Work in this Grade not limited by months.
All possible combination of numbers from 1 to 10, based upon the
use of objects presented to the senses.
The different lines of work, as based upon whole numbers,
fractions and units of measure to move parallel.
Each number to be considered, 1st, as a whole; 2d, as to the
relations in it; 3d, in its applications.
Practical problems involving all the processes—addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and partition.
Purpose- To associate with written and printed words the ideas
the child has already associated with spoken words.
Means- Charts, pictures, objects, first reader, and, if desired,
a primer.
1. The preparatory stage, extending over the first month or two.
2. The primary stage, from the use of the first reader to the
about the end of the third year.
1. The idea should precede the word, which is its sign.
2. Never allow a child to give a thought until he gets it.
Keep clearly in mind (1) the particular knowledge of the pupils;
(2) the purpose of the lesson; (3) the method; (4) the result to be
obtained under the circumstances. To this end exercises if a simple
character may be given:
1. To develop ideas of words, as names, qualities, actions,
substitutes, expressions of time, place, etc., and expressions of
2. By questions, to obtain oral expressions of connected ideas in
thought then stories and descriptions, both simple and extended.
3. By proper models to correct oral errors.
4. By dictation exercises.
No technical terms or definitions.
The words of the reading and other lessons. Copy work. The eye
the people should be made familiar with the forms of words by
repeated observation before he is required to produce them in
writing. (back to top)
Grade Two
Second Year of the course.
Work in this grade not limited by months.
All possible combinations of numbers from one to twenty.
Multiplication tables one through six. Practical problems.
Count by 2s, 3's, 4s, 5's to 20 and back to zero, beginning with
different numbers.
Find fractional parts of composite concrete numbers below 20.
The work for of this grade is based, for the most part, upon the
use of objects presented to the imagination.
1. To enlarge the pupils stock of useful words.
2. To preserve the natural oral expression of thought.
3. To strengthen the pupil’s power to master the thought of the
Second reader, and civil supplementary reading.
In these lower grades the pupils need much supplementary reading,
practice in which shall give him skill and botanical part of
reading, which, if he does not acquire now, he is not likely to
acquire at all. One lesson in the adopted textbook should be
selected for examination each month.
Continue the work of Grade One, but upon a larger scale. Use
pictures and objects freely:
1. to develop current ideas of form, color, size, relations.
2. To give free play to the imagination.
Practice more fully the correction of oral errors, and teach more
carefully the distinctions in the form and meaning of such words as
lie, lay; may, can; are not, aint; mine, yours; shall, will.
Require selections from the reading lesson to be interpreted, to
be committed to memory, or transposed into prose. Simple
compositions developed through questions.
Some good language Manual should be in the hands of the teacher
in these two grades
All the words of the other lessons.
Memory work. Reproduction in writing an orally of words
previously learned.
Use the following and other devices:
1. Require peoples to arrange the words of a lesson in
alphabetical order with reference to the first letter.
2. Place list of words upon the board omitting a letter from
3. Take a word as at and require a list of the words to be made
by prefixing a single letter, as cat. Afterwards by prefixing two
letters is that.
4. Have pupils copy words from the reader omitting certain
letters, and then read from slate, supplying the letters.
(back to top)
Grade Three
Third Year of the Coarse
1. Notation, numeration, addition and subtraction to 100.
2. Multiplication tables through five. Division by 2, 3, 4 and 5
of numbers below 20. Problems
3. Find halves, thirds, fourths and fifths of numbers below 20.
Multiplication again through 6.
4. Find fractional parts to sevenths of numbers below 70. Tables
through 7. Practical problems.
5. Multiplication and fractional parts 8, 9 and 10. Practical
6. Write and read numbers through thousands. Addition and
subtraction, involving the process of tens, i.e., borrowing and
Oral History.
1. Study of individuals by means of stories told to and repeated
by puplls.
Stories of King Phillip, Leif the fortunate, Columbus.
2. DeSoto, Marquette, Cortez, Champlain.
3. Miles Standish, Raleigh, John Smith, Roger Williams, Nathaniel
4. William Penn. Peter Stuyvesant, Lord Baltimore.
5. Washington, Franklin, Henry, Jefferson, Hamilton.
6. Calhoun, John Brown, Summer, Lincoln, A. H. Stevens, Grant,
Similar work next year.
Most of the reading in this year belongs, like grade 2 and the
latter part of grade 1, to the primary stage.
Commit to memory selections and parts of selections containing
gems of thought.
The examinations should be based upon indicated selections in the
adopted text-book each month.
Supplementary reading work continued. Book, Third reader.
Develop inductively the ideas sentence, statement, question,
command. After the idea or thought is developed, give oral or
written drills to fix it and its term clearly in the mind. By
numerous exercises teach the correct use of names, abbreviations, of
words commonly misused, of simple quotation. Teach the writing of
dates, initials, addresses, to give brief descriptions of familiar
places, objects pets, etc.; to tell the story of a picture.
Make the correct single sentence precede the correct connected
sentence. Omit technical terms, parts of speech and parsing. Have
numerous written exercises: 1. To lead the pupil to the thought. 2.
To require oral expression. 3. To require written expression.
Third and Fourth Years of the Coarse
The ultimate design in learning to spell should be kept in mind.
It is to gain the power to write words correctly when expressing
ones thought.
In teaching spelling, the principle that all instruction in the
forms of language should be observed, on the ground that the sense
of a word or passage is a stronger and more interesting bond of
association than the appearance or sound,
The only key to attention is interest. The more things we can
give the pupil to do, the more we shall interest him.
Require then: 1,spelling proper; 2, accentuation, capitalization;
3, syllabling; 4, punctuation; 5,use; 6, derivation; 7,
discrimination of synonyms; 8, discrimination of antonyms; 9,
Fourth Year of the Course
1. Elementary text book begun. Addition, Subtraction,
2. Division.
3. Properties of numbers, factoring, G. C. D. and L.C.M.
4. Common fractions, reduction, addition and subtraction.
5. Multiplication and division of fractions.
6. Compound and complex fractions, reviews.
Oral Geography.
1. Exercises to give primary ideas of time, position and
2. Idea of distance, of map. Study and draw schoolroom, township
and country.
3. Study of Indiana
4. Natural divisions of land and water.
5. The United States; also, if time permits, North and South
6. The world, zones of temperature, of vegetable products, of
food plants, of animal life.
The same work should be repeated next year.
The reading of this and following years belongs to the advanced
stage. Qualities of oral reading to be cultivated:
1. Correct pronunciation of words.
2. Firmness and distinctness in enunciation of words.
3. Deliberateness in enunciation of the several clauses of
4. Emphasis.
5. Expression.
To produce these employ: 1, instruction; 2, imitation; 3,
One lesson in each month should be selected for examination.
Supplementary reading continued.
Apply principles learned in third year, using the previous years
work as a basis, beginning with the known, develop gradually the
ideas noun, adjective, verb, etc. The forms of nouns, plural and
possessive, the uses of pronouns and the value of words that
describe may be best taught from sentences and selections from
simple literature.
The composition exercises should be longer and more varied; the
reproduction may be of a little more complex character; the pictures
may be used for longer stories; familiar objects may be better
described, and the dictation exercises should be a more thorough
test of the attention, the memory and the reason.
Study short selections from prose and poetry, vary the character
of letters, bring into use objective and possessive forms, note
closely spelling, punctuation, capitals, writing and the use and
misuse of words.
(back to top)
Grade Four
Fifth Year of the Course
1. Elementary text-book completed this year; reading and writing
decimals; addition and subtraction of decimals.
2. Multiplication and division of decimals; comparison of common
and decimal fractions; reviews of both.
3. U.S. money; reduction of avoirdupois weight and dry measure.
4. Liquid measure; long, square and cubic measures.
5. English currency; time measure; addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of compound numbers.
6. Percentage; interest
Problems for review.
Elementary text-book this year.
1. Introductory lessons
2. Map studies of the world; North America
3. South America; Europe
4. Asia; Africa; Oceania
5. The sea; general study of the United States, New England
States, Middle, Atlantic and Southern States.
6. Central States, Rocky Mountains and Pacific States; Reviews.
Special attention should be given in this and the following years
to silent reading in its two parts: 1, study of the relations of
ideas, i.e. thought analysis 2, study of individual ideas. The
teacher should, each month, direct his special efforts to the
cultivation of one quality of oral reading and one phase or form of
mind action, thus securing better concentration of energy than if he
tried to cover the whole field each month.
The kinds of sentences and the relations of their parts, (subject
and predicate), each kind studied separately.
Parts Of Speech- 1,the noun, its simple classes, the use of
capitals arising form these; 2, pronouns and their uses; 3, the
forms of adjectives, the misuse of adjectives; 4, verbs, forms,
varieties, uses; 5, adverbs, positive, negatives, general use, use
of comma to separate words in same construction; 6, prepositions,
their use and misuse; 7, conjunctions and their relations to simple,
complex, and compound sentences; 8, interjections; 9, special words.
Miscellaneous- The careful study of selections from literature;
the application of the elements of grammar making out bills,
receipts, notes, advertisements, applications, telegrams, notices,
etc.; frequent composition work, pharaphrasing[sic], making
abstracts, writing personal observations, constructing original
problems, making simple analysis.
Use of text-book begun.
Words studied should be classed as follows: A grouping of words
that present difficult combinations of elementary sounds; a grouping
of words that have the same pronunciation, but different spelling
and meaning; a grouping of words that have two or more
pronunciations and meanings but the same spelling.
Fifth and Sixth Years of the Course
Oral History
1. Study of races and nations dealt with in U.S. history; in
their homes; the Indian; the Norseman.
2. Notice of each race during the year: 1, homes; 2, furniture;
3, clothing; 4, food; 5, occupation; 6, weapons; 7, education; 8,
religious ideas; 9, ideas of government; 10, strongest beliefs and
3. The Spaniard; the Frenchman; the English Puritan; the English
4. The English Quaker; the Dutchman
5. The colonist of the revolution; (a) the Whig, (b) the Tory
6. The southern planter and portrayal of slavery; the northern
farmer; contrast of free and slave labor
Oral Physiology
1. The body in general; the bones
2. The Muscles
3. The Skin
4. Food and drink
5. The blood and the breath
6. The brain and nerve Sixth Year of the Course
Complete text-book begun.
1. Notation and numeration, addition, subtraction,
2. Division
3. Properties of numbers. Cancellation.
4. Common fractions, reduction, addition, subtraction
5. Multiplication and division of fractions; complex
6. Decimals; U.S. Money; Bills and accounts; reviews
First half of complete text-book this year.
1. General distribution of heat, or mathematical geography.
2. Distribution of heat on the earth or Physical Geography;
general study; structure of North America
3. Structure of South America, Europe, Asia, Africa
4. Study of islands; the sea; the atmosphere; climate; zones
5. Plant life on the globe
6. Animal life on the globe; mankind; reviews
Work very similar to that of last year, with more formal
thought work. In addition memorize a short account of the life
and two or three selections from the works of Henry Wadsworth
Longfellow, Nathaniel Hawthorne, James Russell Lowell.
Continue to apply principles and practice of the preceding
years but upon a larger scale and throwing more responsibility
upon the pupil and requiring more independent thought. Review of
nouns, singular and plural forms of nouns. Possessive forms of
nouns, including compound possessives. Masculine and feminine
nouns. Ways of distinguishing genders. The uses of nouns in
construction. Review of Pronouns. Personal pronouns, gender,
number, and case forms. Adjective pronouns. Review verbs.
Numerous written exercises. Person and number form of verbs.
Tense: present, past, and future. Use of auxilliary[sic] verbs,
shall and will. Regular and irregular verbs. Participles.
Infinitives. Principle parts of common verbs, and much practice
in using the past tense and past participles of such verbs in
sentences. Careful study of shall and will, should and would,
learn and teach, may and can, stay and stop, and other words
commonly misused. Dictation exercises. Exercises requiring
thought analysis. Letter-writing. Extend the work of Fifth year.
Careful study of choice selections, with especial reference to
the thought expressed. Frequent exercises in composition upon
topics similar to the ones suggested in the preceding grade.
Exercises in the pronunciation of words commonly mispronounced.
Special attention to spelling, penmanship, capitalization, and
punctuation, in every written exercise.
Spell and classify as above. Analyze words containing the
common prefixes and suffixes, as, a, re, un, mis, ad, inter.
Prefixes pre, trans, ex, and suffixes ing, ed, ful
Suffixes y, ly, ship, ness, er, al
Suffixes ar, less, en, or, hood, tion
Suffixes able, ible, ance, kin, let
Suffixes dom, age, ship, al, ality
(back to top)
Seventh Year of the Course
1. Denominate numbers, denominate fractions, addition and
subtraction of denominate numbers.
2. Multiplication and division of denominate numbers,
longitude and time, applications.
3. Percentage
4. Application of percentage not involving the element of
5. Interest, simple.
6. Compound interest, partial payments, reviews.
4. Application of percentage not involving the element of
5. Interest, simple.
6. Compound interest, partial payments, reviews.
Complete text-book finished.
1. General study of North America, general study of United
States, study of New England States, study of Middle Atlantic
2. Southern States, Central States, special study of Indiana
3. Pacific States and Territories, Canada, Danish America,
4. Central America, West Indies, South America, general study
of Europe, study of British Isles.
5. Study of countries of Europe.
6. General study of Asia, Africa, Oceania; reviews.
1. Period of discoveries.
2. Settlements: Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New
3. Remainder of English colonies.
4. French colonies and inter-colonial wars.
5. Causes and events of Revolution to 1777.
Study of the parts of speech with the simple sentence.
1. The noun, with the simple sentence; subject, predicate
2. The adjective, with the simple sentence; adjective
1. Period of discoveries.
2. Settlements: Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New
3. Remainder of English colonies.
4. French colonies and inter-colonial wars.
5. Causes and events of Revolution to 1777.
Study of the parts of speech with the simple sentence.
1. The noun, with the simple sentence; subject, predicate
2. The adjective, with the simple sentence; adjective
Analysis as in sixth year.
Analysis on basis of difficult spelling.
In the analysis on basis of construction use the words
containing the prefixes: a, be, co, en, fore, mis, ant, with,
un. Suffixes: age, al, able, ar, ary, dom, en, er, ery, ful, fy,
ion, ish, ior, less, let, ly, ment, ness, ous, ship, y. Latin
prefixes: ab, ad, ambi, ante, circum, con, extra, in, intro,
mis, ob, per, post, pre, pro, preter, re, retro, se, sine, sub,
subter, super, trans.
Besides formal and exhaustive thought analysis, pupils should
be lead to reverse the process of analysis and build up
compositions upon subjects by reading. Pupils should learn to
recognize and define the more common figures of speech,
metaphor, simile, etc.
Short biography of John Greenleaf Whittier, William Cullen
Bryant, James Fenimore Cooper.
Eighth Year of the Course
1. Discount, exchange
2. Equations and average
3. Ratio and proportion, partnership
4. Involution and evolution, application of evolution
5. Arithmetical and geometrical progressions
6. Mensuration, analysis, reviews
Physiology (With text-book)
1. Introductory; osseous and muscular systems
2. The skin, the teeth, food and digestion
3. Circulation and respiration
4. Excretion, the nervous system
5. The special senses
6. Sanitary science, effects of narcotics, reviews
Adoption of the constitution
Administrations: Washington, Adams, and Jefferson
2. Madisons to Jacksons administrations, inclusive
3. Van Burens to Buchanans administrations, inclusive
4. The great rebellion
5. Administrations from Johnsons to Harrisons
6. Constitution and civil government, reviews
Study of the sentence
1. Sentences and their classification; elements, principle
and subordinate
2. Kinds of elements; phrases and clauses
3. Rules of syntax, derived and classified
4. Figures of language
5. Reviews of parts of speech
6. Review of the sentence in all of its relation
Both forms of analysis and the more common rules of
orthography. Study of orthography as in grammar text-book. Latin
suffixes: ac, aceous, acy, ate, al, an, ant, ar, ele, ent,
escent, ce, ice, id, ile, ive, ise, ism, ist, ite, ity, ive,
mony, or, ory, ose, tude, ule, use. Latin primitives: fero, fuo,
jacio, frango, gero, pello, struo, facio, do, veno, ago, duco,
mitto, dico, video, paro, pono, scribo, tralio, vinco, quaero,
curro, verto, audio, cedo.
Similar work to preceding year. In this grade the object is
to lead the pupil to study the selection as literature and not
to read much but well, whereas in lower grades he/she needs much
matter for practice. Study of more difficult figures of
rhetoric. Study of authors: Tennyson, Thackery and Shakespeare
(back to top)