Beginnings of ChristianityThe Big Picture page 246 1. How does the New Testament differ from the Old Testament? 2. Where is Judea? 3. What is Christianity? 4. What is the New Testament? The Life of Jesus on page 247 5. Why do you suppose the Romans demanded a census every five years? 6. What did Mary and Joseph have to do to obey the order for a census? 7. What major event took place at Bethlehem? 8. Where is Bethlehem? Jesus’ Childhood on page 247 9. Where did Jesus grow up? 10. What evidence can you find that Jesus was a good student of Judaism? 11. At what age did Jesus begin teaching? 12. In Jewish belief, who is the Messiah? 13. Where is Nazareth? Map Work on page 247 14. Do Questions 1 and 2 The Teachings of Jesus on page 248 15. Why might a parable be a good way to teach a lesson? 16. What is a Parable? Twelve Apostles on page 248 17. Who were the apostles? 18. What did the apostles do for Jesus? Growing Following on page 249 19. Why would performing miracles draw followers to Jesus? Trouble with Rome on page 249 20. Why did Rome come to fear Jesus? 21. How did they deal with the threat they thought Jesus posed? 22. How did Jesus’ death offer hope to his followers? A Christian Church on page 250 23. What did the Christians do after Jesus’ death? 24. Who is Paul? Christianity in Rome on page 251 25. Why was Paul well equipped to spread Christianity to Rome and elsewhere? 26. What did Peter and Paul accomplish in Rome? 27. What important church office was Peter the first to fill?
Main Ideas on page 251 28. Where and during what historic period did Christianity first emerge? 29. In what collection of books are the life and teachings of books are the life and teachings of Jesus recorded? 30. When the followers of Jesus accepted him as the Messiah, what did they expect of him? 31. What major leaders helped spread Christianity throughout the Roman world?