











The Decline of the Roman Empire

The Big Picture on page 252

32. What Threats to the Roman Empire began to emerge?

The Empire Under Attack on page 253

33. What effects did the raids from the north cause?

34. What did these effects in turn cause? (Goes with question 33) 

The Empire Is divided on page 253

35. Who was Diocletian?

36. What step did the Roman emperor take to deal with the oversized empire?

37. What areas were among those included in the eastern empire?

A Capital in the East on page 254

38. Who is Constantine?

39. Where is Constantinople?

40. Why did Emperor Constantine choose this location for his new imperial capital?

41. How did the city of Constantinople at its height compare to Rome at its height?

Map Work on page 254

42. Do question 1 to 3

Freedom for Christians on page 254

43. Why did Christians feel that they had freedom to study their religion?

The Eastern Empire Lives On page 255

44. What happened to the Western empire?

45. What is the Byzantine Empire?

46. In what ways did the Byzantine Empire differ from the old Roman Empire?

47. How did Christianity fare in the Byzantine Empire?

48. What is the Eastern Orthodox Christianity?

Chart Work on page 256

49.  Do question 1 and 2.

Law and Government on page 256

50. How was the United States inspired by Rome’s Government?

New Languages on page 256

51. What are the Romance languages?

Roman Buildings on page 257

52. What is architecture?

Christianity in the West on page 257

53. What is Roman Catholicism?

Main Ideas on page 257

54. What factors weakened the Roman Empire?

55. What step did Diocletian take to make the Roman Empire easier to rule?

56. What important role did Constantine play in strengthening the empire?

57. How did the fates of the western and eastern empires differ?

58. In what areas did Rome leave a powerful legacy?