Geography of Ancient RomeThe Big Picture on page 2241. Where is Rome and why is it important? A boot into the Sea on page 2252. What looks like a kicking boot? 3. What is Sicily and why is it a popular destination for the Greeks? 4. What are the Alps? 5. How did the Alps separate Italy from Europe? 6. What made it hard to travel across Italy? 7. What is Latium? 8. What is Tiber River? A City along the Tiber on page 2269. What is the Legend of Romulus and Remus? 10. How did the seven hills help Rome? 11. How did the Tiber River help Rome? 12. Why did the farmers able to produce large surpluses on the Latium Plain? 13. Why were grapes important to the people of Rome? (3 reasons) 14. Who were the Etruscans? 15. What happened in 509 B.C? 16. Do the Map Questions on page 225 (1-3) Geography Skills on page 22817. What is Elevation? 18. What is a Profile? 19. On Map A, name the 7 hills of Rome? 20. Draw an Elevation map of Rome. 21. Draw a Profile map of Rome. The Rise of the Roman RepublicThe Big Picture on page 23022. 3000 years ago, what was Rome like? 23. What happened in 509B.C.? The Citizens of Rome on page 23124. What is a plebeian? 25. What is a patrician? 26. How did the plebeians remake the city’s government? 27. Before the plebeians took power of the government, who controlled the assembly or government? 28. Who is Livy and what story did he tell? 29. What is a Republic? Governing The Republic on page 23230. How was Athens government different from Rome’s? 31. What is a representative? 32. Why is the United States often called a republic? 33. What are the 3 branches of Rome’s Government? 34. What is a Senate? 35. What is a tribune? 36. What is a consul? 37. Do the Chart Work on page 232 (1-3) 38. Why was the Plebeian Army important? 39. How did the Plebeian Army leaders have added power to change Rome’s government? 40. What was the courtroom like before 450 B.C.? 41. What are the Twelve Tables? 42. What did the Twelve Tables say? 43. What is a Forum? 44. Do the Map Work on page 234 (1-2) The Republic Expands on page 23445. By 265 B.C. what did Rome control? 46. Who was Carthage? 47. What was Punic Wars? 48. Who was Hannibal and why was he upset? 49. What did Hannibal do in 218 B.C.? 50. What was Hannibal’s Plan? 51. Who is Scipio? 52. What happened at the battle of Zama? 53. What happened around 100 B.C.? |