The Roman Empire
The Big Picture on page 2361. What is Pax Romana? 2. What were some of the things that the people of Rome bought from other places? 3. With the buying of so many things from other places, how did this hurt the Roman farmer and the merchants?
The Rule of Caesar on page 2374. Who is Julius Caesar? 5. Where is Gaul? 6. Why could Caesar be in a position to control Rome?
Civil War on page 237 7. What is Civil War? 8. Who was Cleopatra? 9. How did Caesar help Cleopatra? 10. How did Cleopatra help Caesar? 11. What is a Dictator?
New Government on page 23712. How did Caesar changed the way people measured Time? 13. Why is July an honor for Caesar? 14. What did Caesar do for the Soldiers? 15. What did Caesar give to the poor people? 16. How did Caesar change the Senate? 17. Why did some of the Senators hate Caesar? 18. What does “Beware of Ides of March” mean? 19. What happened to Caesar on March 15, 44 B.C. and why did it happen?
Emperor Augustus on page 23820. What happened after Caesar’s death and how long did it last? 21. Who is Octavian and what did he do? 22. Why did Octavian change his name to Augustus? 23. What month was named in honor of Augustus?
Pax Romana on page 23824. What changes did Augustus do? (Name 4) 25. How many people lived in Rome at this time? 26. What were located at the Forum and what is a Forum? 27. What are Aqueducts? 28. Even with police and fire protection how was life in Rome dangers? (Only from Many Voices on page 238)
All Roads Lead to Rome on page 23929. What was the stone marker located in the Forum use for? 30. How were communication, trade and travel possible in the Roman Empire? 31. How did Rome act like a giant Magnet?
Running an Empire on page 23932. Who were the Governors and what did they do? 33. Why did the Romans have taxes and who paid them? 34. What is a Census and why have one? 35. Who enforce the Roman law? 36. How is the new army different from the old Roman Army? 37. Why did poor people mostly join the Army?
Travel and trade on page 23938. How did the Mail system work in the Roman Empire?
Vast Projects on page 24039. Look at the aqueduct pictured on page 238-239. For what purpose was such a structure used? 40. What evidence can you find that the Romans were interested in personal Hygiene? 41. What tells you about Roman tastes in entertainment? 42. What is a gladiator? 43. What is the Colosseum? 44. How big is the Colosseum? 45. What was the Colosseum mostly used for?
Map work on page 240 46. Do the 3 questions.
A Fabulous Temple on page 24147. What does the fact that the Romans built the Pantheon tell you about their religious beliefs? 48. What did the Romans believe about the emperors after they died? |