The Middle Ages page 320
What is the period known as the Middle Ages?
What happen after the breakdown of Roman rule?
What are manors and who controlled them?
Who are the serfs and how are they different than slaves?
The Frankish Empire page 321
Who are the Franks?
Who is Charlemagne?
Why was Charlemagne being a Christian so important?
What and where is Aachen?
What was Charlemagne like as a person?
Why could very few people read during the Middle Ages?
Life in the Middle Ages page 322
Why was a manor like a world within itself?
What is Feudalism?
Who is the lord?
Who was in charge of castle affairs?
Who are the Vassals?
How did you become a Knight?
What was life like as a Serf?
Growth of towns page 324
What happen around 1000 A.D.?
What created crop surpluses for the manor lords?
Why did Towns start to develop?
Why did they start to use coin?
Why did people live longer?
What happen to the towns?
Town Craftworkers page 324
What was the arrow Town Streets lined with?
What is a guild?
Europe’s Cities page 324
What was good about emerging city life?
What was bad about emerging city life?
Popular Songs page 325
Who were the troubadours and minstrels?
What kind of music did they make?
Who was their audience? Why might this group have been their
What skills did troubadours and minstrels need to succeed?
Why did these musicians find it necessary to travel?
Conquerors and Kings page 326
Who were the Vikings?
When did Charlemagne’s reign end and what were the two
reasons it ended?
Where is the Seine River?
Who are the Normans?
Where is Normandy and who lived there?
Normans Invade England on page 326
What happened in 1066?
Who are the Anglo-Saxons?
Who is William the Conqueror?
Why is the language we speak today comes from a mix of French
and the language of the Anglo-Saxons?
The Power of English Kings on page 326
Who is King John I?
How did King John I try to increase his power over England’s
What is the Magna Carta?
Why did the King sign the Magna Carta?
What was the Magna Carta the beginning of?
The Big Picture on page 330
How did Christianity spread throughout Europe?
An Age of Faith on page 331
Why were the Middle Ages become known as the “Age of Faith”?
Life in Monasteries and Convents on page 331
What did life in Europe revolved around?
What is a Monk?
What is a Monastery?
Who are the Nuns?
Monasteries and Convents were like what and why were they
like this?
What is a scriptorium?
How were books created?
What is a Manuscript?
The Roman Church on page 332
What tensions grew in the Church?
What did the Church split?
What did the Church split into?
What is a Cathedral?
What and why did they make Stained – glass?
How long did it take to build the Cathedrals?
What is a Saint?
What is a Pilgrimage?
Who was Francis of Assisi?
Who was Pope Urban II?
What did Pope Urban II urged people to do?
What is a Crusade?
How many people went on the 1st Crusaders?
Who did the Crusaders attack?
What was the Holy Land?
How did the Crusaders get to the Holy Land?
What happened to the Crusaders before they got to the Holy
What happened when they got to the Holy Land?
How long did the Europeans control the Holy Land?
End of the Middle Ages page 334
What happened to the other Crusades over the next 200 years?
How did the Crusades help with Trade?
Most Terrible of Terrors on page 334
What is a Plague?
How did the Plague spread?
What is the Black Death?
How many people died in Western Europe?
How long did the Plague last for in Western Europe?