


















When you write your country report, you will use nonfiction books, encyclopedias, and other reference materials. These are your sources of information, and they are what you would include in your bibliography. They are listed in alphabetical order by the first letter of the word used for individual entries. (This could be the author’s last name or the first important word of the title.) Usually the bibliography is listed on a separate page at the end of your report.

Everything in a bibliography must be written in a certain order.  All punctuation marks, like periods and commas, must be in specific places.


Book Entry:

Carefully read the bibliographic entry below. Then, use a book about your country to write your own entry. Carefully follow the example below.


Author or editor (last-name, first-name). Title (underlined). City where the book was published: Publisher, copyright date.



Shepard, Jenifer. Canada. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1987


Encyclopedia Entry:     

Carefully read the example below. Then use an encyclopedia article about your country to write your own entry. Carefully follow the example below.


Author (if available). Article title (in quotation marks). Title of the encyclopedia (underlined). Edition (if available). Date published



“Mexico.” World Book Encyclopedia, 1994. Volume 13, pps. 448-475.


Electronic Media Entry:

Read the entry below. Then use the computer to locate information about your country on the internet or on an electronic encyclopedia. Use the example to write an entry about your country.


Examples: Internet:

Skelton, Renee. “Flying into the Eye of a Hurricane.” National  Geographic Kids. Retrieved March 12, 2004, from                                                                    http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngkids/0308/hurricane/