October 29-

-2 November


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: In Class: Review Estimating pgs. 117-118, Complete pages 121-122. Keep in your book we will review it together tomorrow.

Social Studies: In Class: Parallel Time Lines pages 116-117 complete ?s 1-4, Apply Skills pg. 119 ?s 1-3 & F&MI ? 4, Review Chapter 3, Test on Wednesday, Begin chapter 4 vocabulary in your notebook


Health: Dress Appropriately for the changing temperatures.

Language Arts: In Class: Complete a final copy of your hybrid monster & picture. Final Copy to be typed with your google docs, be sure to share the document with me.


Math: In Class: Interpret the Remainder: pages 127-128 ?s 1-10 no HW unless you didn't finish.

Social Studies: In Class: Complete Parallel Time Lines Review & Review Chapter 3, Time to work on study guide. HW: Chapter 4 Vocabulary Due Monday November 5th

Health: In Class: time to work on that cursive unit that is due tomorrow after 2 months

Language Arts: In Class: Complete your Hybrid Monster Story, Type out in Google Docs, Share your document with me & send as an attachment, Turn in all prewriting assignments. HW: Finish your final paper.


Math: In Class: Review HW & Complete pages 129-130 keep the pages in your book, we will review it together tomorrow.

Social Studies: In Class: Chapter 3 Test HW: Chapter 4 Vocab/People/Places Due Monday


Health: In Class: Chapter 8 Lesson 4 Read pages 282-284 complete questions 2-3-5 and turn in. Keep up with your study guide


Language Arts: In Class: Read Bunnicula if you are finished with your Hybrid Monster Paper.


Math: in Class: Review Yesterday's Assignment and Complete the Terrible Lizard & Color it.

Social Studies: In Class: Time to Work on your Vocabulary and The second half of North America Before Columbus

Health: In Class: Finish ?s 2-3-5 pg. 284 & on another sheet of paper complete ?s 11-20 on pages 286-287 HW: Finish chapter 9 of your study guide, we will continue with chapter 8 on Monday.

Science: Read the Red Worm Care Instructions

Language Arts: Library Circulation, Independent Reading, Last Chance to Turn in Hybrid Monster & Cursive Unit







End of First Quarter


No School For Students: Grading Day



October 22-26


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: In Class: pages 97-100 HW: pgs. 101-102

Science: in class: finish reading pages 263-266 complete questions 1-6 to turn in as in class, not in your notebook!
Photosynthesis Song

Social Studies: In Class: read pages 103-105

Health: Red Ribbon Week: Tomorrow: Red Ribbon Week pledge, Wednesday Wear Red Day Thursday: Sock it to Drugs Day, Friday Life Journey, Drug free travels

Language Arts: In Class: Helping Verb, Pick 2 Animals and prepare your descriptive list of each. Work on a name and prepare your origin story.


Math: In class: pg. 107 ?s 1-9 HW: pgs 107-108?s 10-24

Social Studies: In Class: Complete the 5 red review and 2 map skill ?s between pages 103-109 in your notebook.

Health: In Class: Read pages 266-272

Language Arts: In Class: Independent Reading, Verb Tenses Past Present and Future Paragraphs, Work on your monster's habitat, where does it belong in the ecosystem and a food web.


Math: in class; review hw pgs.107-108 ?s 10-24, Complete pages 109-110 HW: pages 111-112

Social Studies: in class: read pages 110-117, complete the 5 red review questions.

Health: In Class: Red Ribbon Wear Red, In Class: read pgs 266-279 Complete ?s 1-3 on pages 272 & 279

Language Arts: In Class: Grammar pages 157-158, Define a characteristic that makes your hybrid monster's life (What does it do all day/night?) What science lab did your monster come from?


Math: HW pages 113-114 read and follow the directions for tomorrow's lesson.

Social Studies: In Class: Read pages 110-111

Health: In Class: Complete ? 5 on page 272 or 279
HW: Keep working on your Study Guide, through lesson 3. Thursday Folder went home.

Language Arts: In Class: independent reading time and library circulation, work on hybrid monster.



Math: In Class: unit 3 pre-assessment, and pages 115-116, solve the division problem

Social Studies: In Class: pages 110-115 complete the 5 red review questions within the text and map adventure pg 114



Language Arts: In Class: Time to Work on your Hybrid Monster *(have a completed rough draft by Monday)* & drawing paper; & Keyboarding


October 15-19


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: in Class: Chapter 1 Test

Social Studies: HW: Chapter 3 Vocabulary Due Wednesday, time provided in class to work on vocabulary & CNN 10.

Language Arts: in class: Pronouns & Antecedents 1 pages. 147-148, Read and Annotate Short Read 1, "Creating the Constitution" HW: Identify 3 Things you are thankful for so far this school year and 3 items you wish for to help you with school.


Math: in class: pages pgs. 85-86 Hw: pages 86b (all 4 words)-88. Vocabulary Quiz Thursday

Social Studies: HW: Chapter 3 vocabulary due (32 words)

Science: in class: Read about Painted Lady Butterflies, In your notebook: Identify the Habitat; Food Sources and Life Cycle. finish at home if necessary

Health: In Class: pumpkin patch & Fire Drill

Language Arts: Writing a Friendly Letter to the Great Pumpkin. Turn in HW, Rough Draft and final copy. Display your Card and Pumpkin in the hallway.


Math: in class: Chapter 2 lesson 1 complete pages 89-90 show all work, Set up Passwords of Think Central. HW pages 91-92 "no work no credit"

Social Studies: in class: Chapter 3 Vocabulary Due, complete the vocabulary preview and turn in.

Health: In Class: using the Chrome Books, Procedures and number assignment

Language Arts: in class: pronoun antecedent agreement 2 pages 149-150 ( Next Step 8 Sentence Minimum) Chrome Book: Log on to Clever and Complete Reading Assignment


Math: in class: pg. 95 ?s 1-7 HW: pg. 95 ?s 8-15

Social Studies: In Class: Read pages 102-104

Health: In Class: Chapter 9 Lesson 1, Complete questions 2 & 5 pg. 265 HW: Complete Lesson 1 in the Study Guide. *You are to keep your study guide in your binder. You are responsible for holding onto the study guide for test day

Language Arts: in class: Library Circulation, Independent Reading










October 8-12


American History



Language Arts & Reading





No School Federal Holiday




Math: in Class pages 75-76 Assignment: pages 77-78

Social Studies: In Class: Reviewed pages 88-91, complete the 3 red review ?s and 1 map skill within pages 89-91



ELA: In Class: Subject Pronouns pages and class time to work on Non-Fiction Book Review *Due Tomorrow*


Math: In Class: Chapter 1-12 Quiz and reviewed assignment, HW Chapter 1 Review part 1 (handout), begin gomath pages 79-82 Due Friday *(time provided today and tomorrow)

Social Studies: in class: complete the 3 red review ?s in your notebook, Chapter 2 Study Guide Due Friday, Completed Lesson 4 chapter 2 *Chptr. 2 test Friday



Language Arts: in class: independent reading, Possessive Pronouns pages 143-144 Next Step *Change* Write 12 sentences using possessive pronouns correctly and identify them *separate paper to turn in, also complete cursive independent unit by 31OCT


Math: In Class: reviewed hw review; Test is moved to Monday, Complete pages 77-84 by Monday, we will review pages 77-80 tomorrow.

Social Studies: In Class: time to work on chapter 2 review, test will be tomorrow. Be sure to have the study guide completed.

Health: In Class: Lock down drill and time to review mistakes made on the ch 1 test and correct them.

Language Arts: In Class: Library Circulation and independent reading






Math: In Class: reviewed and time to complete through page 84, Study For your test

Social Studies: In Class: Chapter 2 Test, turn in Study Guide. HW: Chapter 3 Vocabulary (33 words) Due Wednesday begins on page. 102

Health: In Class: Fire Prevention Assembly provided by USAG Hohenfels FD.


Language Arts: In Class: Pronouns pages 145-146 Indefinite Pronouns & Computer Lab, Keyboarding, time to check gradespeed.

October 8-12


American History



Language Arts & Reading





No School Federal Holiday




Math: in Class pages 75-76 Assignment: pages 77-78

Social Studies: In Class: Reviewed pages 88-91, complete the 3 red review ?s and 1 map skill within pages 89-91



ELA: In Class: Subject Pronouns pages and class time to work on Non-Fiction Book Review *Due Tomorrow*


Math: In Class: Chapter 1-12 Quiz and reviewed assignment, HW Chapter 1 Review part 1 (handout), begin gomath pages 79-82 Due Friday *(time provided today and tomorrow)

Social Studies: in class: complete the 3 red review ?s in your notebook, Chapter 2 Study Guide Due Friday, Completed Lesson 4 chapter 2 *Chptr. 2 test Friday



Language Arts: in class: independent reading, Possessive Pronouns pages 143-144 Next Step *Change* Write 12 sentences using possessive pronouns correctly and identify them *separate paper to turn in, also complete cursive independent unit by 31OCT


Math: In Class: reviewed hw review; Test is moved to Monday, Complete pages 77-84 by Monday, we will review pages 77-80 tomorrow.

Social Studies: In Class: time to work on chapter 2 review, test will be tomorrow. Be sure to have the study guide completed.

Health: In Class: Lock down drill and time to review mistakes made on the ch 1 test and correct them.

Language Arts: In Class: Library Circulation and independent reading






Math: In Class: reviewed and time to complete through page 84, Study For your test

Social Studies: In Class: Chapter 2 Test, turn in Study Guide. HW: Chapter 3 Vocabulary (33 words) Due Wednesday begins on page. 102

Health: In Class: Fire Prevention Assembly provided by USAG Hohenfels FD.


Language Arts: In Class: Pronouns pages 145-146 Indefinite Pronouns & Computer Lab, Keyboarding, time to check gradespeed.


October 1-5


American History



Language Arts & Reading


Math: In Class: pages 65-66 HW: division practice

Social Studies: in class: Current Events, CNN 10, Chapter 2 Lesson 2, complete lesson 1 review HW: Complete lesson 2 review

Health: we will complete the chapter tomorrow, chapter 1 test Thursday.

Science: hold onto your hw

Language Arts: in class: Nouns pages 137-138 & from WS (pg. 598) use the list of prepositions to write 10 sentences. (using different prepositions) Circle the preposition and skip lines between each


Math: in class: complete pages 69-70 we will go over the pages together. HW: pages 71-72

Social Studies: in class: NE states Quiz

Health: In Class: Completed Chapter 1, pg. 34 ?s 2-4 & pg. 37 ?s 21-22 HW: Complete your study guide. Study for your test on Thursday.

Language Arts: in class: Descriptive Words for your animal picture, Write a descriptive paragraph describing the scene of your picture.


Math: In Class: Lesson 1.11 Quiz HW: Multiplication Practice: X Whole Numbers

Social Studies: German Unification Day

Health: Finish Chapter 1 Study Guide, Hold onto it. You will be able to use it for your test tomorrow.

Language Arts: In Class: Person of a Pronoun pages 139-140 Rewrite Cinderella in 5 sentences from this point: "At midnight, I ran from the ball, leaving the prince wondering who I was" see pg. 140. HW: Nonfiction Book Review Due 10-10-18


Math: in class reviewed home work

Social Studies: Finished the Berlin Wall. 1961-1989

Health: In Class: Chapter 1 Test, you may use your study guide. Turn them both in when finished

Study Guide Due

Language Arts: Nonfiction Book Review Due 10-10-18


Regular Start time-Early Release






No School For Students Teacher In-Service